IN. THE. KNOW. | Lasting Power of Attorney

Often, many people overlook the benefits of a Lasting Power of Attorney (‘LPA’). 

There are two types of LPA: 

  1. one to deal with property and financial affairs

  2. the other to deal with health and welfare issues

  3. The two types of LPA are independent and the donor may appoint different persons to act as attorneys under each type of LPA.

  4. It is very important that, alongside any Will to ensure your wishes are clear and adhered to, that you have registered a LPA which ensures the person you would like to make decisions on your behalf should you become incapacitated is able to do so. We strongly recommend this, particularly where you may not have a positive relationship with a legal next of kin. 

  5. It is important to ensure that this is done correctly and expert legal advice should be sought when reflecting your wishes. 

  6. Should the time constraints be limited to register an LPA, Gay Lawyers have experience in drafting Living Wills to ensure that specific wishes are made clear, particularly during the course of intense medical treatment

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